My friends

Thursday, December 24, 2009 Posted by me

I play in the game long enough. For more than three years. During all this time I have accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge. I have never won the server is not built the wonder of the world, but I have always received great pleasure from the game.

I confess - I'm not a gamer. Travian - it's my only and favorite hobby in the world of games.

Travian - a world that lives independently of you. In the villages constantly harvested the necessary resources, construct buildings, the army goes to battle to the enemy. You just manage your small part of this world, his empire. In the game there are thousands of live users, creating alliances, discussed plans for attacks, destroying enemy cities, and helping his friends.

Travian feature is that the game has a logical end. It is not infinite, unlike most other online games. Myra (server) Travian live epochs. During this time, to one small village to create a powerful empire with many thousands of army capable to defeat Natarov and build a wonder of the world.

In the beginning I did not think this blog as a blog about Travian. However, raising this subject, I realized how much she is my close and interesting. In many ways, writing this blog led me to you, Dear Travian players, brothers in arms :-)

I do not claim to truth. All what I said in these pages - the my opinion!

My native language is not English on this sorry if it is acceptable English or my text is not very clear. If you do not understand what is waiting for your questions in the comments.

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